Civil Society for Global Commitments on Migration (CGCM) is a network and collective action for the implementation, follow-up and review of the global commitments on migration.

Given the diverse and independent nature of CSOs and the complex nature of global consultative processes on migration, CGCM focuses on technical, systematic and collaborative engagement, with a partnership model that connects the stakeholders at community, national, regional and global levels.

CGCM aims to increase CSO monitoring of the global (e.g. SDG, GCM), regional (e.g. Colombo process, SAARC) and intra-regional (e.g. Bali process, Abu Dhabi dialogue, Budapest dialogue) cooperation and commitments on migration and development through— advocating, implementing and  monitoring. 


CGCM’s mission is to ensure fairer labour migration through Advocacy, Implementation and Monitoring (AIM)-


Campaigning for the inclusion of critical issues in global compacts and advocating for their adoption, ratification and implementation


Contributing to the achievement of global goals through partnership and collective actions


Tracking the progress of the global commitments by collecting evidence and preparing shadow/progress reports
